Terra Nova Series rulebook
In partnership with Acera Insurance, the Newfoundland and Labrador Equestrian Association (NLEA) is pleased to present the Terra Nova Series as an introductory, grass-root level of competition developed and administered by the NLEA to:
Terra Nova Series Rulebook (Published April 2024)
An updated 2025 TNS Rulebook will be available before the end of March!
Rulebook recommendations or suggestions can be voiced on this Google form for review by the board.
- Provide a standardized format of competition rules and regulations.
- Provide leadership to Competition Organizers on the management of equestrian events.
- Provide an award system to recognize the emerging equestrian, and involvement with Long Term Equestrian Development (LTED) programs.
- To promote participation in the National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP).
- To educate and promote sport policies such as an introduction to fair play, clean sport programs and ethics in sport.
- To provide a platform to develop NLEA Provincial Officials.
- To promote the welfare of the horse.
Terra Nova Series Rulebook (Published April 2024)
An updated 2025 TNS Rulebook will be available before the end of March!
Rulebook recommendations or suggestions can be voiced on this Google form for review by the board.